Sunday, December 27, 2009


The common names of Che is Chinese Che, Chinese Mulberry, Cudrang, Mandarin Melon Berry, and Silkworm Thorn.

The native of the Che is eastern Asia from the Shantung and Kiangson Provinces of China to the Nepalese sub-Himalayas. In Japan Che is naturalized and in china during mulberry leaves are shortages the Che leaves are used as a food for silkworm.

The Che is not a berry. The Che appearance is like round mulberry crossed with berry.

The ripe fruits are a good-looking red or maroon-red color with a juicy, rich red flesh inside and 3 to 6 small brown seeds per fruit.

The flavor is moderately unlike the vinous quality of improved mulberries. While still solid they are almost tasteless, but when fully soft ripe they widen a watermelon-like flavor that can be quite delicious. The sugar at ease is similar to that of a ripe fig.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

General Fruit info:

Why fruit is good for health?
1. They are 100% bad-cholesterol free
2. They are delicious!
3. They are not expensive
4. Fibers
5. Vitamins and Minerals
6. An overall healthy diet reduces the risk for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.

Here are the Fruit Types:
1. Tropical and Exotic
2. Fruit-Vegetables
3. Citrus
4. Berries and Small Fruit
5. Tree fruit
6. Melons
7. Nuts
8. Olives

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The Common Name of Pawpaw is Paw Paw, Papaw, Poor Man's Banana, Hoosier Banana, etc.

The pawpaw is native to the moderate woodland of the eastern U.S. The American Indian is accredited with dispersal the pawpaw across the eastern U.S. to eastern Kansas and Texas, and from the Great Lakes approximately to the Gulf. Fossils demonstrate the pawpaw is indigenous to the U.S.

The pawpaw is the principal edible fruit native to America. Creature fruits weigh 5 to 16 ounces and are 3 to 6 inches in length. The superior sizes will emerge plump, similar to the mango.

The fruit more often than not has 10 to 14 seeds in two rows. The brownish to blackish seeds are wrought like lima beans, with a length of 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches. Pawpaw fruits time and again occur as clusters of up to nine entity fruits. The ripe fruit is spongy and thin skinned.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Jocote name is derived from Nahuatl word. Jocote fruit is a kind of flowering plant. It belongs to Anacardiaceae family. The native of the fruit is America.
The other name of jocote fruit:

Red Mombin

Purple Mombin

Hog Plum

The tree is of small size up to 25 m tall.

The fruit contain one big seed in the middle.

The leaves are deciduous in short dry season.

The fruit can eat after ripe by removing skin or with skin.

The fruit can sometime eat before ripe with salt.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Common Names of Cherimoya are Custard Apple, Chirimoya, and Chirimolla.

The Origin of cherimoya is held to be native to the inter-Andean valleys of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.

Seeds from Mexico are plant in California in 1871.

This fruit is also known as the custard apple, sherbet fruit, and there are more than 50 varieties. It is large and pinecone approximating in manifestation with a green outdoor.

Cherimoyas are juicy with a smooth white flesh and large, black seeds and tastes like an amalgamation of pineapple, mango, papaya and vanilla. It is very low in Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B6 and Potassium, and a very good source of Vitamin C.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Cacao Fruit:

Cacao is the name specified by the Maya following the name of one of their gods, Ek Chuah, to the evergreen tree on the increase in the stifling humid areas and recognized for its a lot of uses. The Latin name for this plant, Theobroma cacao means the provisions of the gods.

• Eating cocoa release endorphins in the brain, which act as pain-relievers.

• Eating cocoa boosts one’s appetite.

• Eating cocoa reduce the risk of sympathy disease and cancer.

• Cocoa has a positive consequence on blood pressure and glucose metabolism.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Maprang Fruit:

The maprang is native from Malaysia and western java. The maprang is commercial grown-up in Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Maprang is one of the large tropical fruit and the height of the tree is about 90ft. The fruit contain both sour and sweet clones. For ripening fruit it take 6-9 months from flowering.

The fruits are eaten fresh. The fruit is some what hard about 30F.

Habitually in seed there is a quantity of clonal selection through grafting. It is potential to embed the maprang onto mango, and probably other Mangifera rootstock. The Seedling fruit in 6-8 years.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jujube Fruit:

The Common Names of Jujube is Chinese date, Tsao. The jujube originates in China where they have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years and wherever there are over 400 cultivars. Jujube contains the potassium, phosphorus, manganese and calcium as the most important minerals.

There are also high amount of sodium, zinc, iron and copper. Jujube also contains riboflavin, vitamin c and thiamine. It contains 20 times the quantity of vitamin C as citrus fruits. The fruit is a drupe, unstable from round to make longer and from cherry-size to plum-size depending on cultivar.

It has a thin, fit to be eaten skin immediate whitish flesh of sweet, pleasurable flavor. The on its own hard stone contains two seeds. The undeveloped fruit is green in color, but as it ripen it goes all the way through a yellow-green stage with mahogany-colored spots appear on the skin as the fruit ripen more.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Avocado Fruit:

The Common Name of Avocado are Avocado, Alligator Pear (English); Aguacate, Palta (Spanish). The originated place of Avocado is southern Mexico, but southern Mexico avocado was cultivated from the Rio Grande to central Peru before the appearance in Europeans.

The fruit is Fatty soft flesh and a large stone in a thin surface covering. These trees turn out hundreds of fruits which taste buttery and rich.

The fleshy tissue of avocados is deep green close to the skin, appropriate yellowish nearer the single large, indigestible seed. The flesh is hard when harvest but softens to a buttery touch.

In Health benefits avocado will aid healing for people suffering from digestive and circulatory problems. For the skin avocado paste can be useful to rashes and rough skin to make it smoother.

By eating avocado a day:

Prostate Cancer Prevention
Oral Cancer Defenses
Breast Cancer Protection
Eye Health
Lower Cholesterol
Heart Health
Stroke Prevention
Better Nutrient Absorption
Glutathione Source
Vitamin E Powerhouse

Monday, November 16, 2009


Every body had known something about BANANA. Let’s come here to know some interesting facts about banana.

The common names of banana are Banana, Bananier Nain, Canbur, Curro, and Plantain. The origin of banana is Malaysia. Currently banana and plantain are grown almost all the tropical regions. The banana plant needs ten – fifteen months to produce flower.

Banana has the natural sources of potassium.

It helps to prevent stroke, cancer, and heartburn.

It helps to give strong bones, easy digestion.

A banana contains vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Bananas do not have sodium, fat, or cholesterol.

Bananas are full of three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose, and glucose all along with fiber.

No other fruit enclose more digestible carbohydrates than bananas. This is advantageous for the reason that, the body burns off calories from carbohydrate more easily and quickly than calories from fat.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Watermelon Fruit:

Watermelon is both a fruit and a vegetable, plant of a vine-like herb first from southern Africa and one of the a good number common types of melon. Watermelon's certified name is Citrullus lanatus of the botanical family Curcurbitacae and is associated to cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash. Watermelon is fundamentally very distillation, alkalinizing, diuretic, and mineralizing. Watermelon contains 92% water.

It is very successful in promote intestinal elimination, keeping the body free from poisonous wastes. This food is very low in Cholesterol, Saturated Fat, and Sodium. It is also a good resource of Potassium, and a very good resource of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. A large segment of the calories in this food come starting sugars.

Monday, November 9, 2009

UGLI Fruit:

A large, rumpled citrus fruit that originate in Jamaica. It is unfamiliar whether it is a mixture between grapefruit and tangerine, or grapefruit and orange. UGLI fruits are named after their manifestation which is in the main bleached, pot-marked, and odd-shaped. On the other hand, it gets a bad rap, it really has a very sweet, citrus taste, is peeled easily, and is seedless.

The fresh flavor of UGLI is luscious in many recipes, adding together a subtle savor to both sweet and savory combination. Living being easy to peel, with openhanded sized segment, the fruit lends itself to many dishes. UGLI fruit are existing from December through April. The UGLI is a tremendous source of vitamin C. UGLI fruits can be store at room warmth for 5 days or in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Star fruit:

Star fruit originate from Malaysia. It contains several varieties of taste from sweet to sour. A single fruit weight ranges from 150 -500 gm. The tree height is 5 to 12 cm only.

Star fruit almost available in all the seasons, culinary uses of star fruit can be eaten as fresh fruit and in salads, syrup, and pickle. It contains Low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, high in dietetic Fiber, Vitamin C, Copper, and Potassium.

Nutritional value of the star fruit gives maintaining optimum health Weight loss.
Nice to eat fresh, but also yummy cooked or juiced, star fruit are truthfully one of nature's optimistic wonders!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


However, a close relative of the lychee and an equally desirable fruit, this constituent of the Sapindaceae is not well known. It’s native Malaysia and commonly cultivated all the way through the archipelago and Southeast Asia. Many years ago, Arab traders introduce it into Zanzibar and Pemba.

The health facts of rambutan fruit contain fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium, carbohydrate, protein, and vitamin C, the Skin tanin and fruits contain saponin. The seeds of rambutan contain some kind of fat and polifenol. Rambutan leaves contain tannin and saponin. Skin stem contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substances, and iron. Eating five daily servings of fruits and vegetables lowers the probability of cancer.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Raspberry Fruit:

The famous Raspberry, developed so predominantly for its fruit, grow wild in several parts of Great Britain. It is a resident of countless parts of Europe. The stems are stiff and shrubby, biennial, with creep returning roots. It flowers in May and June.

Fragrantly sweet between a subtly sharp overtone and almost melt in your mouth texture, raspberries are fantastically delicious and are usually in limited supply. A member of the rose family and a bramble fruit like the blackberry, raspberries are dexterously order with a hollow core. Raspberries are known as "aggregate fruits" since they are a compendium of minor seed-containing fruits, called drupelets that are prearranged just about a hollow central cavity.

Raspberries are an admirable source of fiber, manganese, and vitamin C. They are a fine source of vitamin B2, folate, niacin, magnesium, potassium, and copper. In adding together, they contain momentous amounts of the anti-cancer phytochemical ellagic acid.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Quince Fruit:

The quince is a family member of the apple and pear and belongs to the pomes fruit family. Quince is one of the original known fruits. For over 4,000 years, quince trees have developed in Asia and the Mediterranean. The trees themselves nurture to about 5 to 8 m.

The quince is low in soaking wet fat, cholesterol, sodium, high in vitamin C, dietary fiber and copper. The food value and health benefits of the quince make it ideal for maintain most select health and Weight loss. Avoid together with quince in your diet if you're fascinated in Weight gain.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pear Fruit

The pear is a sweet fruit that is correlated to the apple. Origin of pear is from Europe and Asia. The first cultivate race were elected from the wild variety in the early ages.

Standard pears are mostly eat raw and taste great in desserts, the small food preparation pears are always cooked and eaten as a vegetable or dessert and quinces are mostly processed to a kind of marmalades.

Pears provide a good resource of fiber, vitamin C & E, copper, and potassium. They are an outstanding source of pectin, which is a water-soluble fiber. Some varieties have more iron content than others do. This can be seen while a cut pear turns brown. If it does not turn brown, it means that the iron contented is very low or non-existent.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Persimmon fruit

The oriental persimmon is subject to China, where it has been cultivated for centuries and more than two thousand diverse cultivars exist. It extends to Korea and Japan many years ago where supplementary cultivars were urbanized. The drop was introduced to California in the average 1800's.

The persimmon is a multitrunked deciduous tree to 25 ft. Sweet, delicious persimmon fruits are prosperous in health promoting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that are fundamental for optimum health. They grow preeminent in areas that have moderate winters and relatively mild summers.

The fruit is low in calories and fats but rich source of relating to diet. Fresh Persimmon fruits also enclose healthy amounts of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper and phosphorus.

Dry persimmon fruits can used in cookies, cakes, puddings, salads and as a topping for breakfast cereal. Persimmon fruit pudding is a popular dessert by means of fresh persimmons.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Passion fruit:

The purple passion fruit is resident from southern Brazil through Paraguay to northern Argentina. Pink crown blooms know passion fruit for its beautiful white flowers with purple. The purple passion fruit is subtropical and prefers a frost-free climate. It can grow 15 to 20 ft. per year once established and must have strong support. It is generally short-lived.

The fruit can grow to eat or for its juice, which is often add to other fruit juices to enhance aroma. The practically round or ovoid fruit, 1-1/2 to 3 inches wide, has a tough rind that is soft and waxy and range in hue from dark purple with faint, fine white specks, to light yellow or pumpkin-color.

Monday, October 5, 2009


The olive is indigenous to the Mediterranean region, tropical and central Asia and various parts of Africa. Small bitter elliptical fruit, green while unripe and black when ripe, used for food and for oil. Raw olives enclose an alkaloid with the intention of makes them bitter and indigestible.

Olive oil is a fruit-juice. A few varieties are sweet enough to be eaten after sun drying. Tapering the crop will give larger fruit size and the trees reach-bearing age in about 4 years.


The daily use of olive oil is good for heart diseases. The oil has a positive effect on the cholesterol level in our blood. Olive oil is very easy to digest and mild for the intestines.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nashi Pear

The nashi pear or Asian pear was been cultivate for thousands of years and this fruit combine the juiciness of a pear with the crispness of an apple. The taste is similar to a pear but is much sweeter.

Its antioxidants and phytonutrient profile can help with heart disease. Modern Science shows that this prevailing cleansing pear is helpful in treat urinary and digestive problems, including constipation, Red Blood Cell Production and Gastrointestinal Health. The nutritional benefits are Vitamin C, B, Dietary Fiber, and Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. Avoid Nashi Pears if your focus is Weight gain.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Nectarine - Fruit

The nectarine fruit is a variety of the peach tree and it is similar in appearance and color of peach as they vary only by a single genetic material, the gene for skin texture.

Nectarines can range in color from red, pink, yellow or white nectarines are shiny and smooth. The trees are small to medium sized short-lived trees, only living for about 12 years.

The nectarine is:

Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium.

High in Vitamin C, dietetic Fiber, Vitamin A, Niacin and Potassium.

Nectarines make them ideal for:

Maintain finest health.

Weight loss.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The Common Names of Lychee are Litchi, Leechee, Lichee and Lichi. It is native to low elevation of the province of Kwangtung and Fukien in Southern China. Development stretch in excess of the years through adjacent areas of southeastern Asia and offshore islands.

It reaches Hawaii in 1873 and Florida in 1883, and was convey from Florida to California in 1897.

The lychee is the most well-known of a grouping of edible fruits of the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. Slightly lesser than an apricot, fresh lychee make great lunch-bag additions, since the peel protect the fruit awaiting you are ready to eat it.

Canned lychees can be used to make a fruit cocktail extra exotic and appealing. In the midpoint of the lychee fruit is a hard seed which is redundant. It is revolting, like the rind, and slightly toxic.

Lychees are a rich resource of Vitamin C, as well as calcium, potassium and phosphorus. They are often use in food preparation to aroma a meat dish. Lychees are also pressed for juice and pulp to make a sherbet dish which is very well-liked in China.

Friday, September 18, 2009


The kiwifruit is a large, woody, deciduous vine indigenous to the Yangtze basin of China. Seeds on or after China was in use to New Zealand and plant in 1906. Plants upward from these seeds first fruited in 1910. The Common Names of Kiwifruit, kiwi, Chinese gooseberry, Yang-Tao.

Kiwifruit can be intermediate or small, even though most are small. They are brown and fuzzy on the outer and bright green on the inside in the midst of tiny black seeds. The skin of the fruit can be eaten or peeled.

Kiwifruit contains an enzyme called Actinidin it provides almost double the Daily Value for vitmain C. Kiwi contain 10 percent of the DV for vitamin E, as well as lutein, an antioxidant that helps look after eyes against age-related macular disintegration and may help avoid certain cancers.

General Nutritional Facts:

Fat free, Cholesterol free, Saturated fat free, Sodium free.

High in fiber.

A good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Honeydew melons are a range of Muskmelon and are consider the sweetest of all melons. Top quality Honeydew melons will turn a soft yellow color and the skin will have a slightly waxy feel when ripe.

They will be firm with a small amount of softness at the stem and will be large - those weighing about 5 pounds have the best flavor. Sometimes, the seeds of an especially juicy melon will rattle if the melon is shaking.

While you pick up a honeydew melon, it must feel heavy, representing the density of the melon’s inner flesh.

It should not feel very hard on the outside, but the exterior should only barely yield to pressure from the hands. Give the impression of being for an average sized honeydew melon that weighs about 5 pounds.

Honeydew is a type of edible melon, which is an outstanding source of Vitamin C. It found either in green or orange flesh. It contains few nutrients and small amounts of potassium.

Honeydew is existing year round. Start in May and through October Honeydew arrives from California, Arizona and Texas. Mexico provisions product during the winter months.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Common Names of Gooseberry (English), Stachelbeere (German), Groseille a Maquereaux (French), Uva Spina (Italian), Stekbes (Flemish).

Gooseberries are consequent habitually beginning two species: the European gooseberry, native to the Caucasus Mountains and North Africa and the American gooseberry and national to northeastern and north-central United States and bordering parts of Canada. So-called European cultivars are pure species, but nigh on all so-call American cultivars also have European genes.

The tiny semi-transparent gooseberry is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. The gooseberry on or after an important part of various established home remedies especially in ayurveda. The gooseberry fruit contains as a large amount as 20 times of vitamin C as that in a ginger. The gooseberry health remuneration can see in various vitamin C deficiencies and in skirmishing cholesterol.

The various nutrients include calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin B complex. It is also accommodating ever-increasing construction of red blood corpuscles in the carcass and strengthening teeth and nails. Daily burning up of gooseberries helps in neutralize toxins that have built up in the carcass more a period.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The grapefruit is a subtropical citrus tree known for its astringent fruit, an 18th-century fusion first bred in Jamaica When bring into being in Barbados it was name the "forbidden fruit”, it is also called the "shaddock”.

The Scientific Name: Citrus paradisi

Pastry and spicy with a basic sweetness, grapefruit has a ripeness that rivals that of the ever trendy orange and sparkles with many of the equivalent health promoting remuneration. Even though available right through the year, they are in time of year and at their finest from winter from beginning to end early spiral.

Grapefruit is an exceptional source of vitamin C, a vitamin that helps to support the immune system.

Benefits of Grapefruit:

It holds bioflavonoid and other plant chemicals that protect against cancer and heart disease.

High vitamin C, fiber and potassium.

Low calories.

A Fine source of iron, calcium and other minerals.

Pink and red varieties are high in beta-carotene, a predecessor of vitamin A.

Monday, September 7, 2009


The fig believed to be native of western Asia and to have distributed by man throughout the Mediterranean area. Remnants of figs have found in excavations of sites traced to at least 5,000 B.C.

The frequent fig bears a first crop, called the breba crop, in the spring on last season's growth. The second crop is bear in the fall on the new growth and is known as the main crop. Common Fig is broadly grown-up for its edible fruit. Fig is originated in continental climate with hot summer. Figs were also a general food source for the Romans. Figs able to be eat fresh or dried, and used in jam making.

Figs are one of the uppermost plant sources of calcium and fiber. In one study, a 40-gram portion of dried figs produced a significant increase in plasma antioxidant capacity.

Common Names: Fig (English), Higo (Spanish), Figue (French), Feige (German), Fico (Italian)


The durian is a type of tropical fruit mostly found in Southeast Asia. The fruit is green to brown, oblong to round, prickly with strong sharp thorns and piky on the outside the inside of the durian is a soft steadiness and has the odor of rank cheese.

The smell of this fruit is so bad that hotels in Southeast Asia do not consent to guests bring them inside. Even unopened durians smell like sour. Spiky fruits with a hard, brownish-green unwrap. Fruits be different in size but can be better as a human head.

Weight from 1 to 5 kilos and the Fruits be suspended from the branches. Fruit filled with an edible, cream-colored, custard-like pulp. Delimited in the pulp are one to five chestnut-sized seeds.

Many people analysis the durian to be a very tasty fruit; locals habitually call it the “king of fruits”. Some Westerners encompass described the fruit as "like eating custard in a public lavatory". The mild-tasting, large seed can be roast and eaten.

Durian trees contain one or two flowering and fruiting periods every year. The timing depends on genus and zone. In East Thailand, the chief blooming stage is December to February.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cantaloupe fruit

Cantaloupe is a fruit that is a good supply of beta-carotene and a good source of potassium and Vitamin C. A Cantaloupe also spelled cantaloup, also called rock melon, is actually the North American name for a selection of muskmelon. The longer cantaloupes stay on the vine, the sweeter the tang.

Cantaloupes are available year approximately, with the reach your zenith season from June all the way through August. California, Arizona, and Texas provide the majority of the U.S. cantaloupe crop.

Although cantaloupes have become increasingly available throughout the year, their season runs from June through August when they are at their best. However, even in the reach your peak of summer, there are sure tips to permit you to pick just the right cantaloupe.

Cantaloupe is grand for juicing. Fresh in fruit salads and avoid product with an irregular stem end with portions of the stem remaining this means the melon harvest too early. After pick, melon will ripen but their sugar, pleased does not increase.

At room temperature, it takes up to four days for melons to ripen. Only refrigerate melons that have become too ripe. A entirely ripe melon can refrigerated for about three days. Keeping the seed inside a cut melon will help keep it clammy.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Courgette is the British, and predominantly the New Zealand name for zucchinis. People in the UK may pass on to courgettes as vegetable marrows. Zucchinis come in many shapes, and a few special colors.

Smaller courgettes are more flavorsome. The fruits will grow enormously quick almost overnight in some cases. Unless you want, your courgettes to turn into marrows you should check and pick them on a regular basis. Once the fruit becomes marrow, sized efficiency of the plant will slow spectacularly.


The zucchini vegetable is low down in calories and contains functional amounts of folate, potassium and vitamin A. 1/2 cup of zucchini contains 19% of the suggested amount of manganese.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Orange Lovely Cumquats

The kumquats or cumquats are relations of small fruit-bearing trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, in the kind Fortuneless that often incorporated in the genus Citrus. Kumquats contain a awfully distinctive taste. The only citrus fruit can be eaten skin and all. The peel is the sweetest part and can eat separately. The edible fruit closely resembles that of the orange, but is smaller and is often oval. Kumquats have called "the little gold gems of the citrus family" and it believed to be native to China.

The tree is shrub like and is similar to an orange tree in outward show. The fruit lasts for numerous months on the tree in warm winter climates. Four varieties of kumquats al available, they are the Hong Kong Wild, Marumi, Meiwa and Nagami. The two most common species of kumquats grown in the United States are the 'Nagami' and the 'Meiwa'. It Size usually grows to around 2m tall but can be much bigger. Its climate condition is below 38C Humid subtropical, Mediterranean, temperate zones.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The blackcurrant is a temperate shrub, which produces minute fit to be eaten berries with high natural vitamin C, which are very gloomy purple/blue in color almost black hence the name. It is also name as Black currant, quinsy berries and cassis.

The blackcurrant is a plant on the rise to 2 m height with wooded branches. The leaves are lobed. Blackcurrants have somewhat bitter taste. They used for jam, ice cream, cordial and liqueur.

In bar, the blackcurrant pleasant is referred to simply as "black", as in "vodka and black", "snakebite and black", "Pernod and black", or "black and lemonade".

Medicinal: Blackcurrant leaves for the most part used for their diuretic property. A tea made from dried out blackcurrant leaves are used against arthritis, urinary problems, diarrhoea, bleeding gums and coughs. Blackcurrant juice improves the urinary pH level and the emission of citric acid. Syrup made from blackcurrant juice is used to treat sore throats.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Blackberry Fruit

The blackberry fruit is mainly rich in eastern North America and on the Pacific coast in the British Isles and Western Europe. The hedge plant is characterized by its regularly thorny, stiff. The leaves frequently have three or five ovals plainly notched, stalked leaflets, many of which keep it up all the way through the wintry weather.

The blackberry fruit is a collective fruit that is cool, calm and collected of numerous smaller fruits called drupes.

There are two types of blackberries.



The most important difference is the growth pattern of their canes. Erect blackberry fruit types include inflexible, arching canes with the purpose of self-supporting. Trailing blackberries, also called dewberries in the East, cover canes that are not self-supporting.

Blackberry blooms from mid to overdue June. Blackberry fruit start ripening on the way to the middle of July. Blackberry is suitable for eating and healing. Used widely by the Native American tribes, it had many other astonishing uses.

The leaf is more regularly worn as a medicinal herb, but the root as well has medical charge. Young suitable for eating shoots are harvest in the spring, peeled and used in salads. Yummy Blackberries are fit for human consumption raw and jam. The root-bark and the leaves are sharp, depurative, diuretic, shot in the arm and vulnerary. They make a brilliant substitute medicine for dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and cystitis.

Blackberries are one of the good fruit for your health. They are high in relating to diet fiber as well as a lot of important vitamins. Vitamin C, vitamin K, and various B vitamins are all bring into being in good amounts in this fruit. It is also high in polyphenols.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The new way of eating

The Fruit diet steps:

1. Start your first diet food of the day with large portion of calorie fruit like bananas, grapes and mangos. This fruits helps you to elevate your metabolism for the entire day, supporting good energy and fat-burning capabilities.

2. Then leave yourself to get a little hungry sooner than having a further fruit meal. As the fruit diet continues and you develop more confident.

3. Take two glasses of fresh veggie juice twice a day, one in the morning and another one afternoon or evening.
Add a tablespoon of any good oil to your two glasses of juice.

4. All the fruit you are taken is low-concentrated food, light in calories and high in water and fiber.

5. Remember, this is not just in relation to losing weight, but concerning you gain manage over your eating. This will be a launching filling to a complete new method of intake and existing.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Quandong Fruit

The Quandong is a truly exclusive native Australian fruit. Found in the dry and semi-dry region of all Australian mainland states, Quandong trees have been classify as belonging to the santalum genus of plants. Ideally tailored to dry environments, the Santalum Acuminatum is known to be a half-parasitic plant.

Quandong trees are able to bear high soil salinity levels and often rely for their absolute water supplies from the root systems of mass plants. Across their national distribution range, Quandong trees normally grow 2 to 3 meters in height, with a dense rubbery crown of leaves perhaps 2 meters broad.

The quandong is also called the native peach as it has a stone like seed with a delicate peach-apricot flavour and it is used in jam.

Friday, August 7, 2009

African Nourishing

Fruits from Africa are largely safe and sound, which could be used to fight starvation among Africans. It will also help to increase ecological firmness and rural development.

African science institutions, Non Government Organizations, policymakers and other individuals may possibly use modern horticulture methods to bring back these nourishing lost fruits such as Butter fruits, Baobab and Marula.

There are about 24 such nourishing fruits, which can be full-grown in large scale. They are Aizen which are rich in zinc, protein, calcium, Vitamin A, C and other mineral deposits. Additional fruits include Balanites, Ebony, Tamarind, etc.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Cherimoya is the tastiest fruit, it range of Anon varieties and is originally from the part of the mountain area between Colombia to Bolivia, at an altitude of 1000 to 2000m. Nowadays the fruit is cultivated world-wide in steamy mountains and in Mediterranean areas.

The cherimoya is called "the tree of ice-cream" and the fruits taste like a mix of pineapple, mango and strawberry flavors. The delicious fruit often called the "love fruit" because of its heart-like shape. It ripe within two to three days at room temperature, you should eat ripe fruits right away. Ripe fruits are black-green and give to slim pressure, like a peach. And it is very vulnerable and is exported on a small scale. The season starts is from October to May in California.

Friday, July 31, 2009

A good memory is a joy for life!

Fruit has a very optimistic effect on the brains just like carrots. So if you want to stimulate your brain functions you have to eat much fresh fruit and raw carrots.

Fruit contain is natural sugars and they stimulate the brain so we can think faster and recall information more quickly.

For getting best result in exam, Fruit is the ultimate brain fuel!

You can truly improve your test results simply by changing your eating habits between waking up and doing the exam. The big scam is to consume fruit effectively. Have only fruit but as much as you want before you do your test and avoid the brain jamming foods like white flour, refined white sugar, meat and dairy. The fruit has on your brain is that it makes you think faster and recall information more easily.

Not only fruit stimulate your brains, another type of food that does is carrots. Eat some raw carrots at least once a week to excite your memory.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Olives Fruit

Olive is Small bitter oval fruit, it looks green when it unripe and black when it become ripe. it is used for food and for oil.

Olive oil
it is a fruit-juice, which is cold pressed olive juice and olives are a fruit, so only it is very healthy and is used all over the world. Cold pressed means, olives are picked and squeezed and not boiled before squeezing.
There are three types of olive oil:
1.Extra vierge: the finest oil excellent taste and it contain low acidic level;
2.Vierge: oil with a very good taste and it contain a higher acidic level;
3.Normal olive oil: this consists of a combination of both olive oil and an oil between extra vierge and vierge olive oil.

some benefits of olives and olive-oil

1.In the Mediterranean countries of Europe people eat a lot of olive oil. It is common to eat bread and toast in olive oil. Because of the daily use of olive oil these countries suffer less from heart diseases than people of other countries in Europe.
2.Olive oil has a positive effect on the cholesterol level in our blood.
3.Olive oil is easy to digest and mild for the intestines!

The lot you eat should be based on fruit or vegetables. You will look and experience much healthier and younger too.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fruit Harvest

FRUITS are one of the healthy foods for every one; to get a healthy food main thing is harvest. The fruit harvested on point in time and at the appropriate stage of ripeness and maintain their nutrients level, quality and freshness. Factors that favor preserving excellence and nutrients are speedy harvesting, preferably done in the early hours, timely cooling; gentle treatment; and proper storage space if the fruit is not used right away.

Here are certain fruits are given with their harvesting details and the following fruits and kept under the refrigeration cool of about 35 to 40oF.


Grapes flavor and aroma grows as fruit matures. As grapes mature, sugar pleased increases and gathering stems twist from green to brown. Keep under refrigerator storage up to 2 months.


Cherry fruit is Mature juicy,soft and flavored. The fruit keep under Cool condition immediately after harvesting. It store up to 2 weeks.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Dried fruit is one of the healthy fruit, which has been dried naturally or also through machine, such as a dehydrator. Some of the dry fruit varieties are Raisins, plums and dates. Dry fruit is alternate for fresh fruit, a good Dried fruit has a long shelf life. Instead of refrigerating a fruit drying is a very famous way to preserve fruit.

Dried fruit is very often used in baking mixes, breakfast cereals and making cake. It is always being a healthy snack and the quality is improving all the time. Due to the water loss during the dehydration, dried fruit has a stronger, more intense of flavor. Dry fruits without sulfur dioxide are good for health; commercially prepared dried fruit contain sulfur dioxide which triggers asthma.

Dehiscent Dry Fruit:

These are some fruits that are opening to discharge seeds and shed seeds in to the environment by own.

Indehiscent Dry Fruits:

These are another variety fruit that are not opening to discharge seeds, that means they fail to open in any way and are shed as a fruit for dispersal.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Excellent fruit Papaya

Papaya plant is an overgrown herb, known as an herbaceous perennial. It grows worldwide in tropical climates, papaya is originated in Mexico and Central America. It revered tropical fruit was reputably called "the fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus.

Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C, it is a very good source of potassium and in addition vitamin E, A, and K. It is one of the excellent sources of fiber, which has been shown to lower high cholesterol levels. Having papaya daily is very good to overcome digestive problem.

The unripe papaya is highly beneficial in treating skin disorders. When applied to wounds, it prevents swelling and making the skin smooth and delicate. Papaya helps to prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue.

Case studies of papaya indicate that this food taken alone for two or three days has a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

National Fruit in India

A fleshy fruit, eaten ripe or used green for pickles etc., of the tree Mangifera indica, the mango is one of the most important and widely cultivated fruits of the tropical world. Its juicy fruit is a rich source of Vitamins A, C and D. In India there are over 100 varieties of mangoes, in different sizes, shapes and colours. Mangoes have been cultivated in India from time immemorial. The poet Kalidasa sang its praises. Alexander savoured its taste, as did the Chinese pilgrim Hieun Tsang. Mughal emperor Akbar planted 100,000 mango trees in Darbhanga, Bihar at a place now known as Lakhi Bagh.