Monday, September 7, 2009


The durian is a type of tropical fruit mostly found in Southeast Asia. The fruit is green to brown, oblong to round, prickly with strong sharp thorns and piky on the outside the inside of the durian is a soft steadiness and has the odor of rank cheese.

The smell of this fruit is so bad that hotels in Southeast Asia do not consent to guests bring them inside. Even unopened durians smell like sour. Spiky fruits with a hard, brownish-green unwrap. Fruits be different in size but can be better as a human head.

Weight from 1 to 5 kilos and the Fruits be suspended from the branches. Fruit filled with an edible, cream-colored, custard-like pulp. Delimited in the pulp are one to five chestnut-sized seeds.

Many people analysis the durian to be a very tasty fruit; locals habitually call it the “king of fruits”. Some Westerners encompass described the fruit as "like eating custard in a public lavatory". The mild-tasting, large seed can be roast and eaten.

Durian trees contain one or two flowering and fruiting periods every year. The timing depends on genus and zone. In East Thailand, the chief blooming stage is December to February.


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