Monday, November 30, 2009

Cacao Fruit:

Cacao is the name specified by the Maya following the name of one of their gods, Ek Chuah, to the evergreen tree on the increase in the stifling humid areas and recognized for its a lot of uses. The Latin name for this plant, Theobroma cacao means the provisions of the gods.

• Eating cocoa release endorphins in the brain, which act as pain-relievers.

• Eating cocoa boosts one’s appetite.

• Eating cocoa reduce the risk of sympathy disease and cancer.

• Cocoa has a positive consequence on blood pressure and glucose metabolism.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Maprang Fruit:

The maprang is native from Malaysia and western java. The maprang is commercial grown-up in Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Maprang is one of the large tropical fruit and the height of the tree is about 90ft. The fruit contain both sour and sweet clones. For ripening fruit it take 6-9 months from flowering.

The fruits are eaten fresh. The fruit is some what hard about 30F.

Habitually in seed there is a quantity of clonal selection through grafting. It is potential to embed the maprang onto mango, and probably other Mangifera rootstock. The Seedling fruit in 6-8 years.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jujube Fruit:

The Common Names of Jujube is Chinese date, Tsao. The jujube originates in China where they have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years and wherever there are over 400 cultivars. Jujube contains the potassium, phosphorus, manganese and calcium as the most important minerals.

There are also high amount of sodium, zinc, iron and copper. Jujube also contains riboflavin, vitamin c and thiamine. It contains 20 times the quantity of vitamin C as citrus fruits. The fruit is a drupe, unstable from round to make longer and from cherry-size to plum-size depending on cultivar.

It has a thin, fit to be eaten skin immediate whitish flesh of sweet, pleasurable flavor. The on its own hard stone contains two seeds. The undeveloped fruit is green in color, but as it ripen it goes all the way through a yellow-green stage with mahogany-colored spots appear on the skin as the fruit ripen more.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Avocado Fruit:

The Common Name of Avocado are Avocado, Alligator Pear (English); Aguacate, Palta (Spanish). The originated place of Avocado is southern Mexico, but southern Mexico avocado was cultivated from the Rio Grande to central Peru before the appearance in Europeans.

The fruit is Fatty soft flesh and a large stone in a thin surface covering. These trees turn out hundreds of fruits which taste buttery and rich.

The fleshy tissue of avocados is deep green close to the skin, appropriate yellowish nearer the single large, indigestible seed. The flesh is hard when harvest but softens to a buttery touch.

In Health benefits avocado will aid healing for people suffering from digestive and circulatory problems. For the skin avocado paste can be useful to rashes and rough skin to make it smoother.

By eating avocado a day:

Prostate Cancer Prevention
Oral Cancer Defenses
Breast Cancer Protection
Eye Health
Lower Cholesterol
Heart Health
Stroke Prevention
Better Nutrient Absorption
Glutathione Source
Vitamin E Powerhouse

Monday, November 16, 2009


Every body had known something about BANANA. Let’s come here to know some interesting facts about banana.

The common names of banana are Banana, Bananier Nain, Canbur, Curro, and Plantain. The origin of banana is Malaysia. Currently banana and plantain are grown almost all the tropical regions. The banana plant needs ten – fifteen months to produce flower.

Banana has the natural sources of potassium.

It helps to prevent stroke, cancer, and heartburn.

It helps to give strong bones, easy digestion.

A banana contains vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Bananas do not have sodium, fat, or cholesterol.

Bananas are full of three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose, and glucose all along with fiber.

No other fruit enclose more digestible carbohydrates than bananas. This is advantageous for the reason that, the body burns off calories from carbohydrate more easily and quickly than calories from fat.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Watermelon Fruit:

Watermelon is both a fruit and a vegetable, plant of a vine-like herb first from southern Africa and one of the a good number common types of melon. Watermelon's certified name is Citrullus lanatus of the botanical family Curcurbitacae and is associated to cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash. Watermelon is fundamentally very distillation, alkalinizing, diuretic, and mineralizing. Watermelon contains 92% water.

It is very successful in promote intestinal elimination, keeping the body free from poisonous wastes. This food is very low in Cholesterol, Saturated Fat, and Sodium. It is also a good resource of Potassium, and a very good resource of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. A large segment of the calories in this food come starting sugars.

Monday, November 9, 2009

UGLI Fruit:

A large, rumpled citrus fruit that originate in Jamaica. It is unfamiliar whether it is a mixture between grapefruit and tangerine, or grapefruit and orange. UGLI fruits are named after their manifestation which is in the main bleached, pot-marked, and odd-shaped. On the other hand, it gets a bad rap, it really has a very sweet, citrus taste, is peeled easily, and is seedless.

The fresh flavor of UGLI is luscious in many recipes, adding together a subtle savor to both sweet and savory combination. Living being easy to peel, with openhanded sized segment, the fruit lends itself to many dishes. UGLI fruit are existing from December through April. The UGLI is a tremendous source of vitamin C. UGLI fruits can be store at room warmth for 5 days or in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Star fruit:

Star fruit originate from Malaysia. It contains several varieties of taste from sweet to sour. A single fruit weight ranges from 150 -500 gm. The tree height is 5 to 12 cm only.

Star fruit almost available in all the seasons, culinary uses of star fruit can be eaten as fresh fruit and in salads, syrup, and pickle. It contains Low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, high in dietetic Fiber, Vitamin C, Copper, and Potassium.

Nutritional value of the star fruit gives maintaining optimum health Weight loss.
Nice to eat fresh, but also yummy cooked or juiced, star fruit are truthfully one of nature's optimistic wonders!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


However, a close relative of the lychee and an equally desirable fruit, this constituent of the Sapindaceae is not well known. It’s native Malaysia and commonly cultivated all the way through the archipelago and Southeast Asia. Many years ago, Arab traders introduce it into Zanzibar and Pemba.

The health facts of rambutan fruit contain fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium, carbohydrate, protein, and vitamin C, the Skin tanin and fruits contain saponin. The seeds of rambutan contain some kind of fat and polifenol. Rambutan leaves contain tannin and saponin. Skin stem contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substances, and iron. Eating five daily servings of fruits and vegetables lowers the probability of cancer.