Monday, September 28, 2009

Nectarine - Fruit

The nectarine fruit is a variety of the peach tree and it is similar in appearance and color of peach as they vary only by a single genetic material, the gene for skin texture.

Nectarines can range in color from red, pink, yellow or white nectarines are shiny and smooth. The trees are small to medium sized short-lived trees, only living for about 12 years.

The nectarine is:

Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium.

High in Vitamin C, dietetic Fiber, Vitamin A, Niacin and Potassium.

Nectarines make them ideal for:

Maintain finest health.

Weight loss.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The Common Names of Lychee are Litchi, Leechee, Lichee and Lichi. It is native to low elevation of the province of Kwangtung and Fukien in Southern China. Development stretch in excess of the years through adjacent areas of southeastern Asia and offshore islands.

It reaches Hawaii in 1873 and Florida in 1883, and was convey from Florida to California in 1897.

The lychee is the most well-known of a grouping of edible fruits of the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. Slightly lesser than an apricot, fresh lychee make great lunch-bag additions, since the peel protect the fruit awaiting you are ready to eat it.

Canned lychees can be used to make a fruit cocktail extra exotic and appealing. In the midpoint of the lychee fruit is a hard seed which is redundant. It is revolting, like the rind, and slightly toxic.

Lychees are a rich resource of Vitamin C, as well as calcium, potassium and phosphorus. They are often use in food preparation to aroma a meat dish. Lychees are also pressed for juice and pulp to make a sherbet dish which is very well-liked in China.

Friday, September 18, 2009


The kiwifruit is a large, woody, deciduous vine indigenous to the Yangtze basin of China. Seeds on or after China was in use to New Zealand and plant in 1906. Plants upward from these seeds first fruited in 1910. The Common Names of Kiwifruit, kiwi, Chinese gooseberry, Yang-Tao.

Kiwifruit can be intermediate or small, even though most are small. They are brown and fuzzy on the outer and bright green on the inside in the midst of tiny black seeds. The skin of the fruit can be eaten or peeled.

Kiwifruit contains an enzyme called Actinidin it provides almost double the Daily Value for vitmain C. Kiwi contain 10 percent of the DV for vitamin E, as well as lutein, an antioxidant that helps look after eyes against age-related macular disintegration and may help avoid certain cancers.

General Nutritional Facts:

Fat free, Cholesterol free, Saturated fat free, Sodium free.

High in fiber.

A good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Honeydew melons are a range of Muskmelon and are consider the sweetest of all melons. Top quality Honeydew melons will turn a soft yellow color and the skin will have a slightly waxy feel when ripe.

They will be firm with a small amount of softness at the stem and will be large - those weighing about 5 pounds have the best flavor. Sometimes, the seeds of an especially juicy melon will rattle if the melon is shaking.

While you pick up a honeydew melon, it must feel heavy, representing the density of the melon’s inner flesh.

It should not feel very hard on the outside, but the exterior should only barely yield to pressure from the hands. Give the impression of being for an average sized honeydew melon that weighs about 5 pounds.

Honeydew is a type of edible melon, which is an outstanding source of Vitamin C. It found either in green or orange flesh. It contains few nutrients and small amounts of potassium.

Honeydew is existing year round. Start in May and through October Honeydew arrives from California, Arizona and Texas. Mexico provisions product during the winter months.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Common Names of Gooseberry (English), Stachelbeere (German), Groseille a Maquereaux (French), Uva Spina (Italian), Stekbes (Flemish).

Gooseberries are consequent habitually beginning two species: the European gooseberry, native to the Caucasus Mountains and North Africa and the American gooseberry and national to northeastern and north-central United States and bordering parts of Canada. So-called European cultivars are pure species, but nigh on all so-call American cultivars also have European genes.

The tiny semi-transparent gooseberry is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. The gooseberry on or after an important part of various established home remedies especially in ayurveda. The gooseberry fruit contains as a large amount as 20 times of vitamin C as that in a ginger. The gooseberry health remuneration can see in various vitamin C deficiencies and in skirmishing cholesterol.

The various nutrients include calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin B complex. It is also accommodating ever-increasing construction of red blood corpuscles in the carcass and strengthening teeth and nails. Daily burning up of gooseberries helps in neutralize toxins that have built up in the carcass more a period.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The grapefruit is a subtropical citrus tree known for its astringent fruit, an 18th-century fusion first bred in Jamaica When bring into being in Barbados it was name the "forbidden fruit”, it is also called the "shaddock”.

The Scientific Name: Citrus paradisi

Pastry and spicy with a basic sweetness, grapefruit has a ripeness that rivals that of the ever trendy orange and sparkles with many of the equivalent health promoting remuneration. Even though available right through the year, they are in time of year and at their finest from winter from beginning to end early spiral.

Grapefruit is an exceptional source of vitamin C, a vitamin that helps to support the immune system.

Benefits of Grapefruit:

It holds bioflavonoid and other plant chemicals that protect against cancer and heart disease.

High vitamin C, fiber and potassium.

Low calories.

A Fine source of iron, calcium and other minerals.

Pink and red varieties are high in beta-carotene, a predecessor of vitamin A.

Monday, September 7, 2009


The fig believed to be native of western Asia and to have distributed by man throughout the Mediterranean area. Remnants of figs have found in excavations of sites traced to at least 5,000 B.C.

The frequent fig bears a first crop, called the breba crop, in the spring on last season's growth. The second crop is bear in the fall on the new growth and is known as the main crop. Common Fig is broadly grown-up for its edible fruit. Fig is originated in continental climate with hot summer. Figs were also a general food source for the Romans. Figs able to be eat fresh or dried, and used in jam making.

Figs are one of the uppermost plant sources of calcium and fiber. In one study, a 40-gram portion of dried figs produced a significant increase in plasma antioxidant capacity.

Common Names: Fig (English), Higo (Spanish), Figue (French), Feige (German), Fico (Italian)


The durian is a type of tropical fruit mostly found in Southeast Asia. The fruit is green to brown, oblong to round, prickly with strong sharp thorns and piky on the outside the inside of the durian is a soft steadiness and has the odor of rank cheese.

The smell of this fruit is so bad that hotels in Southeast Asia do not consent to guests bring them inside. Even unopened durians smell like sour. Spiky fruits with a hard, brownish-green unwrap. Fruits be different in size but can be better as a human head.

Weight from 1 to 5 kilos and the Fruits be suspended from the branches. Fruit filled with an edible, cream-colored, custard-like pulp. Delimited in the pulp are one to five chestnut-sized seeds.

Many people analysis the durian to be a very tasty fruit; locals habitually call it the “king of fruits”. Some Westerners encompass described the fruit as "like eating custard in a public lavatory". The mild-tasting, large seed can be roast and eaten.

Durian trees contain one or two flowering and fruiting periods every year. The timing depends on genus and zone. In East Thailand, the chief blooming stage is December to February.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cantaloupe fruit

Cantaloupe is a fruit that is a good supply of beta-carotene and a good source of potassium and Vitamin C. A Cantaloupe also spelled cantaloup, also called rock melon, is actually the North American name for a selection of muskmelon. The longer cantaloupes stay on the vine, the sweeter the tang.

Cantaloupes are available year approximately, with the reach your zenith season from June all the way through August. California, Arizona, and Texas provide the majority of the U.S. cantaloupe crop.

Although cantaloupes have become increasingly available throughout the year, their season runs from June through August when they are at their best. However, even in the reach your peak of summer, there are sure tips to permit you to pick just the right cantaloupe.

Cantaloupe is grand for juicing. Fresh in fruit salads and avoid product with an irregular stem end with portions of the stem remaining this means the melon harvest too early. After pick, melon will ripen but their sugar, pleased does not increase.

At room temperature, it takes up to four days for melons to ripen. Only refrigerate melons that have become too ripe. A entirely ripe melon can refrigerated for about three days. Keeping the seed inside a cut melon will help keep it clammy.