Sunday, January 31, 2010


Breadfruit is also called as Artocarpus altilis and it is one of the tropical tree relates with figs and Jackfruit.

Breadfruit is dependable and low-maintenance gives highly productive and a good source of food in tropical regions.

The breadfruit Yields high quality gluten-free carbohydrates. The breadfruit tree start gives fruit within 2 to 3 years after plantation.

The nutrition facts of breadfruit:

It gives you low Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium.

And it gives high Vitamin C, Dietary Fiber and Potassium.

Maintain best possible health.

But adding to your diet gives you both weight loss and weight gain.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Abiu fruit

The Abiu is a soft, yellow fruit with sweet transparent flesh. Its yummy flavor is evocative of creamy sweet, succulent flesh which tastes like Creme Caramel and make other desserts.

The fruit is well thought-out a delicacy for those who can grow it productively, and it thrives in warm subtropical and tropical circumstances. Round to oval in shape, every now and then sharp, with smooth bright yellow skin. A real taste delight when eaten slightly chilled.

Cut the fruit in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Best eaten chilled. Avoid the exude latex secure to the skin. The Abiu has low acidity, so the adding of a little lime juice will enhance the flavor. Mainly eaten fresh by them, soon after cutting as the rind discolors on contact to the air.

It is inhabitant to South America and can be established growing wild all the way from side to side much of Amazonia. In Brazil the soft tissue from the plant is used medicinally, to relieve coughs and bronchitis. Of course, most people love the fruit's flavor, which is improved when eaten somewhat chilled.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Star Apple

One of the comparatively slight fruits of the relatives Sapotaceae, the star apple Chrysophyllum cainito L, has acquired a reasonable variety of local names. The star apple tree is erect, 25 to 100 ft tall, with a short trunk to 3 ft thick, and a dense, broad crown, brown-hairy branchlets, and white, gummy latex.

The star apple tree is a tropical or near-tropical type range only up to 1,400 ft height in Jamaica.

Star apples must not be bite into. The skin and inedible. When breach a star apple, one should not agree to any of the acidic latex of the skin to make contact with the edible flesh. The ripe fruit, if at all possible chilled, may be just cut in half and the flesh spoon out, departure the seed cells and core.

An amalgamation of the chop flesh with that of mango, citrus, pineapple, other fruits and coconut water is freezing and serve as Jamaica Fruit Salad Ice. A good-looking way to serve the fruit is to cut around the middle completely through the rind and then, holding the fruit stem-end down, twisting the top quietly back and forth.

As this is complete, the fleshy tissue will be felt to free itself from the descending half of the rind, and the latter will pull absent, enchanting with it the superior fraction of the core.

Thursday, January 7, 2010



• cabbages
• leeks
• broccoli
• cauliflower

• oranges
• grapefruit
• tangerines
• tangelos
• lemons
• papayas


• broccoli
• cauliflower

• oranges
• grapefruits
• lemons
• papayas


• broccoli
• lettuce

• pineapples
• mangoes


• zucchini
• rhubarb
• artichokes
• asparagus
• spring peas
• broccoli
• lettuce

• pineapples
• mangoes


• okra
• zucchini
• rhubarb
• artichokes
• asparagus
• spring peas
• broccoli
• lettuce


• cherries
• pineapples
• apricots


• corn
• lettuce

• watermelon
• strawberries
• cantaloupe
• cherries
• blueberries
• peaches
• apricots


• cucumbers
• tomatoes
• summer squash
• corn
• green beans
• lettuce

• watermelon
• strawberries
• cantaloupe
• blueberries
• peaches
• apricots
• kiwi
• raspberries
• plums


• cucumbers
• corn
• eggplant
• tomatoes
• summer squash
• green beans
• lettuce

• watermelon
• strawberries
• cantaloupe
• blueberries
• peaches
• apricots
• kiwi
• raspberries
• plums


• eggplants
• pumpkins
• tomatoes
• spinach
• lettuce

• grapes
• pomegranates


• sweet potatoes
• pumpkins
• winter squash
• broccoli
• spinach lettuce

• cranberries
• apples
• pomegranates
• grapes


• pumpkins
• winter squash
• sweet potatoes
• broccoli
• mushrooms
• spinach

• cranberries
• oranges
• tangerines
• pears
• pomegranates


• sweet potatoes
• mushrooms
• broccoli
• cauliflower

• pears
• oranges
• grapefruit
• tangerines
• papayas
• pomegranates

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pomelo Fruit

common name: Pomelo

vernacular names: Pummelo, Shaddock, Chinese grapefruit

Scientific Name: Citrus maxima

Pomelo is the major citrus fruit. It grows, like any supplementary citrus, in steamy areas and doesn’t bear near to the ground temperatures.

The fruit is sodium and fat free and is a great foundation of potassium and vitamin C. Only a fourth of a Pomelo (152 grams) provides 130% of the daily optional doses of vitamin C and has 60 calories.

The flavor is mildly sweet, perfumed and more often than not, does not have the strong acidic taste originate in grapefruit.

Chinese make use of the skins and leaves for prepare traditional baths by steaming them. The point is to rinse out the person and keep at bay evil.